The Touchpoint of Earth and Sky

It's a pretty important piece of tarmac.  It may look like a flat straight strip of road, but it is so much more. More than just an engineering and aggregates perspective, it's your gateway to the sky. It's the place where you come back down to solid ground . . . back home.

Success is paramount.

The Texas Heavy Aviation Construction Firm

Putting in a runway is one of the biggest property improvements you can undertake. It requires vast resources, equipment, manpower, and specialized experience. 

From gravel strips for single engine aircraft to runways that can accommodate 70,000 lb. jets, Allen Keller Co. has built runways all over Texas since WWII.  We've worked with ranch owners and governments, hobby fliers and the highest-end private jet owners.  We are the heavy construction firm in Texas that specializes in runways and aviation infrastructure.

The Intersection of aviation and ranch life –  flying Texas style.

A ranch can be so many things: a place for work, family, play, livestock, wildlife, hunting, and more. How will a runway fit? It's a long straight flat strip that needs to fit into the rolling geography of a landscape. Prevailing winds need to be considered, elevations and structures that lie in possible flight lines also.  All of these need to enhance not detract from life on the ranch.  

With generations of Texas ranching in our blood, we speak "ranch" as well as aviation and can help you weave all of these values together as we develop and execute your dream.  


Bring us in at the dream stage

Perhaps you're looking out over your ranch and are finally ready to chase that pilot's license dream. Or you're working with a broker to find your dream ranch and a runway is a necessary part of that vision. We can provide feasibility studies on the property and tell you what's possible… before you even buy it.

Bringing us in at the earliest “dream” stage allows us to offer the maximum value to your project.

In the end, it's all about execution

Taking on an ambitious project is a risk. TIme, money, and hassle all pile on if your contractor is not up to the task.  Our care for people, equipment, and a job well done combined with decades of experience with Texas landscapes make us uniquely equipped to tackle the most ambitious  paving and infrastructure projects.  

Our fleet of heavy machinery is cared for and put to work by our well oiled teams which means that the second we pull the trigger on a project, earth starts moving and we head systematically towards the finished product, something that you could land a plane on, literally.


Over the decades, we have completed a number of publicly used runway projects and are experienced builders under the scrutiny of TXDOT Aviation.

Aviation services

Our projects

Mountain Home Private Runway

Location: Mountain Home, TX

Value: > $11M

Status: Completed/In Progress

Summary: Large scale runway capable of handling large private Jets.

Fredericksburg FBO

Location: Fredericksburg, TX

Value: > $1M

Status: Completed

Summary: Expand pad from existing ramp to accommodate new metal hangars for large jets and twin-engine planes. Contracted to build metal buildings as well.

Goldthwaite Runway

Location: Goldthwaite, TX

Value: > $3.5M

Status: In Progress

Summary: Rehabilitation of existing private runway to adjust grade as well as lengthen and widen. Pavement design was improved and all surfaces re-paved.

Getting people back to earth safely and in style for 75 years.

We also do

Ranch Improvements

Roads, ponds, drainage, barn-pads, gates and more. If you want to repair your ranch or make big improvements, start with a team of folks who have ranching in their blood.

Roads & Access

We started as a road-builder and we’ve never stopped. Highways to ranch roads, if you need to get from A to B, we know how to build a road reliably.

Commercial, Residential, Civil Infrastructure

It may be a pad for the next whataburger, roads and utility trenches for a new development, or putting in sidewalks for a city. If it’s heavy work, we do it.

Other Services

We’ve done thousands of jobs over the years that don’t fit exactly into any single box. Whether its a feasibility study for a runway, or a preconstruction package, we like to help anyone who needs a hand from a joy-filled team.